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HomeHEALTH & FITNESS6 Signs in your body that your HEART gives before it DIES

6 Signs in your body that your HEART gives before it DIES

Signs in your body: Have you ever wondered if your heart is healthy or if it is in trouble? Your body has a unique way of sending out distress signals when something isn’t quite right with your heart health. Cardiovascular disease silently claims more lives than any other killer on the planet, making it the world’s most lethal and formidable health threat. In today’s eye opening video, we’ll uncover six surprising signs that could indicate your heart is in trouble.

Even if you feel perfectly fine, trust me, you won’t want to miss this potentially life saving information. But before we dive in, I have a quick favor to ask. If you find this video informative and valuable, please hit that like button and share it with your friends and family. You never know whose life you might change by spreading this crucial knowledge. And make sure to stay tuned until the end, where I’ll reveal some game changing tips on how to keep your heart in tip top shape.

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lets jump in sign 6 Signs in your body that your HEART gives before it DIES

One ulcers non healing sores on your legs or feet could be a sign that your circulation is compromised. These ulcers often develop when theres a blockage in the arteries, leading to low blood pressure in the affected area. If you have poor circulation, walking may become difficult with your legs feeling tired, sore or cramped. Arterial ulcers found on the outer leg, heels or toes can be painful, but nerve damage may mask the discomfort.

Venous ulcers, more common in those with varicose veins or venous thrombosis, appear on the inner leg and tend to bleed. Dont ignore non healing wounds on your legs or feet, theyre a clear signal that your circulation needs attention. Seek medical help to address the underlying issues and prevent the sores from worsening. Listen to your bodys warnings and take action to keep your circulatory system healthy.

Two swollen legs, feet and ankles picture you slip on your favorite shoes only to find that they feel uncomfortably snug. You glance down and notice that your feet and ankles have swollen up like balloons. While it might be tempting to brush it off as a simple annoyance, this swelling could be a crucial warning sign that your heart is struggling to keep up with its vital task of pumping blood throughout your body. When your heart isn’t pumping blood as efficiently as it should, it can trigger a domino effect of worrisome symptoms. 

One of the most noticeable is swelling in your feet and ankles, which occurs when blood flow slows down, causing a backup in your veins. As the blood pools in your lower extremities, fluid seeps into the surrounding tissues, leading to puffiness and bloating. But the problem doesn’t stop there. A weakened heart can also make it harder for your kidneys to do their job of filtering out excess water and sodium from your body. As these substances accumulate, they contribute to even more swelling, leaving you feeling uncomfortable and weighed down.

Three xanthelasma have you ever caught a glimpse of someone’s eyes and noticed a curious yellow patch on their upper eyelid? This seemingly harmless cosmetic quirk is called xanthelasma, and while it may not cause any pain or discomfort, it could be a subtle hint that your heart health needs attention. Xanthelasma is the most common type of xanthema, which are essentially cholesterol deposits that accumulate in the skin. These yellow plates tend to appear gradually, most often in the inner corner of the upper eyelid, and are more frequently seen in middle aged women.

While xanthelasma itself is usually just a cosmetic concern, it’s what lies beneath the surface that matters. Approximately half of the people who develop xanthelasma have an underlying condition called dyslipidemia, which means they have elevated levels of cholesterol or triglycerides in their blood. Interestingly, only a small fraction of people with high cholesterol actually develop xanthelasma.

However, researchers have discovered that the presence of these yellow patches is linked to a heightened risk of serious heart problems, including heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. So if you happen to notice xanthelasma on your own eyelids or someone elses, don’t brush it off as a mere cosmetic issue. Instead, take it as a cue to get your blood tested and your cholesterol and triglyceride levels checked.

Four hair loss on your legs and feet if you’ve noticed thinning hair on your shins and thighs, don’t dismiss it as a mere cosmetic issue. It could be a warning sign of peripheral arterial disease, a condition where your leg arteries become clogged with plaque. Pad is part of a larger problem called atherosclerosis, which can affect arteries throughout your body, including those that supply blood to your heart. Many people with pad don’t realize they have it until significant damage has occurred.

Hair loss happens because clogged arteries can’t deliver enough nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles. You might also notice smoother, shinier skin, cold legs, and slower nail growth. While genetics and friction from clothing can also cause leg hair loss, it’s essential to talk to your doctor about your circulatory health. If you notice this symptom, catching and treating pad early can help protect your legs and your heart. Your body sends signals when something is wrong. Learning to recognize these warnings can help you take control of your health. If you spot concerning changes in your leg hair, seek medical advice promptly.

Five chest pain when you feel discomfort in your chest, dont brush it off as something minor. While not all chest pain is heart related, its crucial to rule out any cardiac issues first. Heart related chest pain often feels like pressure, heaviness, tightness or burning that lasts more than a few minutes. It may come and go, and it might radiate to your left arm, neck, back, jaw, stomach or elbows. You may also experience sweating, paleness, nausea or dizziness. Your heart is your most vital organization. 

Recognizing signs of trouble and acting quickly can make all the difference. If chest pain strikes, don’t hesitate. See a doctor right away. Your heart and your loved ones will thank you. Don’t let fear of overreacting stop you from getting help. Every minute counts when it comes to heart problems.

Six cyanosis if your skin turns blue or purple, it could be more than just a sign of being cold. This condition, called cyanosis, may indicate a serious problem with your heart or lungs. When a part of your body isnt getting enough oxygen rich blood, it can take on a bluish or purplish hue. This could be due to a blocked artery or a lung issue like pneumonia, pulmonary embolism or heart failure. Shortness of breath along with cyanosis is a red flag for a lung problem. Congenital heart defects can also cause this skin discoloration. If you notice cyanosis, especially when youre warm, dont ignore it.

This could be a warning sign that your body isn’t getting the oxygen it needs. Seek medical attention to identify and address the underlying cause. Preventive measures for a healthy heart first of all, stay active. Engage in regular physical activity such as brisk walking, swimming or cycling to keep your heart strong and improve circulation. Quit smoking smoking is a significant risk factor for heart disease, so quitting is one of the best things you can do for your heart health.

Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight puts additional strain on your heart, so aim to maintain a healthy body weight through a balanced diet and regular exercise. Eat a heart healthy diet. Focus on consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, while limiting processed foods and saturated fats. Know your family history if heart disease runs in your family, be proactive about screening and lifestyle changes to reduce your risk. Monitor your cholesterol. Have your cholesterol levels checked regularly and work with your doctor to keep them within a healthy range control blood sugar if you have diabetes or prediabetes, keeping your blood sugar levels in check is crucial for maintaining heart health.

Manage blood high blood pressure can damage your heart over time, so work with your healthcare provider to keep it under control. Remember, if you notice any of the signs or symptoms we discussed, or if you have a family history of heart disease, dont hesitate to consult with your doctor. Early detection and intervention can make a significant difference in your heart health outcomes. We hope this video has been informative and helpful. If you found value in this content, please like and share it with your friends and family.

Together we can spread awareness and encourage more people to prioritise their heart health. Also, subscribe to the channel and enable the notification bell so you never miss out on our future new informative videos before you leave, I invite you to watch two more recommended videos popping up on your screen right now that I’m sure you will enjoy. Thank you for watching and until next time, take care of your heart. Bye.



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